Core Values
Elevated Education Operating Principles

We promote a unique and supportive culture for all our students and staff. We pride ourselves on our ability to grow, learn, and achieve. Safety is paramount to our success as a school; therefore, it is at the forefront of our decision making and at the core of our principles and expectations.

We always do the right thing, even when no one is watching. We are a community: Leaders, Educators, and Students, all in one.

We have a vision and seek to provide guidance, structure, and opportunity for our staff and students by promoting the skills and attitudes of tomorrow’s leaders.

We serve our students authentically, because we are called to do so, and because we understand that an education is not about me.

We always do our best, and excel at providing our students and
community with more than what
is requested or expected.

Bold Vision
We maintain a bold and proactive vision, which generates positive results. We are not afraid to make a mistake and adapt our support and guidance accordingly.

We invest heavily in our staff, students, and facilities. We pride ourselves on our commitment to professional and environmental excellence. We strive for adaptability and pursue new ventures with great vigor.

We are forward thinkers, resourceful educators, and committed entrepreneurs. We embrace change and continually upgrade our set of tools to provide our students with a world-class, alternative education.

We are eternal optimists who believe in Elevated Education, our mission, and our student’s goals. We are confident in our product and believe that our students are destined for great success.

One Team
We are one team: Educators, Mentors, Coaches, Support Staff, and Students. We honor each other and support one another to achieve greatness here and beyond.